Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
adjective - willing to do unusual, dangerous and exciting things
adjective - able to be obtained or reached
adjective - enjoying hurting somebody and causing pain to someone
verb - to stop doing something before you have finished it; to leave an activity before it is finished
noun - a chemical used as medicine
adverb - more distant; in a better way, to a higher degree
noun - a new machine, design etc. that nobody has come up with before
adjective - not able to be seen
adverb - during that time
noun - people in general
noun - ability to be trusted or relied on
verb - to make somebody happy; to be enough for something
adjective - making you feel afraid or frightened; frightening
adjective - foolish, not clever
adjective - not married
verb - to say what you think should be done
noun - money you get from the goverment when you are unemployed etc.
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