Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Page 72–73
noun - something positive that can help you win or achieve something
noun, British English - a machine connected to your telephone that enables people to leave you a message when you are not available
verb - to cut or hurt by using the teeth
noun - the people working on a ship etc.
adjective - enjoying hurting somebody and causing pain to someone
noun - a nice word for a person you love
noun - a situation in which the ground starts shaking, it usually causes great damage to houses, roads etc.
verb - to teach or train somebody
noun - the act of flying, a trip by plane or another flying vehicle
adjective - essential, involving basic principles
adverb - normally, usually
noun - the group of politicians who rule a country
noun - services offered to treat and prevent mental and physical illness
noun - a change for the better
verb - to make a higher number or larger amount of something, to raise
noun - one of the two organs in your body that separate waste liquid from the blood
noun - a part of the body that cleans the blood
noun - one of the two organs that you use for breathing
noun - a piece of information written on a note or sent to somebody in another way
noun - a small silicon chip inside a computer
verb - to come for somebody by car
noun - a living thing that grows in the earth, usually with green leaves etc., sometimes grown by people in their houses
adverb - used to say that something is likely to happen, it is almost sure to happen
noun - belief in a god (or gods) and things connected with it
verb - to contact by using the telephone
noun - foolishness, the lack of intelligence or sense
noun - a mountain with a crater that can explode and throw burning rocks into the air, emit hot lava etc.
noun - the ability to make good decisions because of your knowledge and experience
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