Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
noun - looking after somebody, interest in somebody or something
noun - a health problem the symptoms of which are sore throat, cough, runny nose, temperature and headache
noun - a statement that shows that you are unhappy about or not satisfied with something
adjective - twice as big, having two parts
noun - a kind thing that somebody does for you
verb - to become angry, to get mad
verb - to become wealthy
noun - a hall where you go in order to take exercise
noun, British English - a sweater, a knitted piece of clothing for the upper part of the body
noun - a thing in a door etc., which can only be opened with a key
verb - to complain
verb - to book a table or a room etc.
verb - to become friends with somebody
adjective - simple, not double; only one
adjective - certain, knowing something for certain
verb - to make a photograph
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