Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Scared to death
noun - an exciting experience, usually unusual and sometimes dangerous
noun - that state of something
noun - the end of life, opposite of 'life'
adjective - very happy about a thing
noun - something that you suddenly cry out
adjective - very tired
noun - a path that people walk on
adjective - very afraid
noun - a long thing along stairs or a balcony, which you can hold on to stop you falling
verb - to relax for a while, to have a break
noun - an opening, an empty space in something
verb - to think that you are better than somebody
verb - to succeed, to do something which is difficult
noun - a track for walking along
noun - an arrangement of symbols, pictures, shapes, lines etc.
verb - to make somebody feel frightened
verb - to lift your body and be on your feet
noun - the drops of liquid that come through the skin when it is hot or when you do hard work
noun - great excitement
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