Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Page 80–81
noun - a funny drawing, a comic strip (esp. in a newspaper)
noun - something that leads you to the right answer
adjective - mixed up, understanding something in a wrong way or not understanding it at all
noun - a book that explains and/or translates words, shows how to use them etc.
noun - a television programme that gives true information about something
verb, American English - to be unsuccessful in something
adjective - (about drinks) full of little bubbles
adjective - making you feel very afraid
noun, informal - a child
noun - a place in the street where you can buy things
noun - a person who sells newspapers and magazines
noun, British English - the place where you can buy fuel for your car
adjective, British English - elegant, stylish, fashionable
verb - to make something that has been broken work again; to mend, to fix
adjective - (of clothes) casual, suitable for sports
noun - a person who tries to find out the enemy's secrets
adjective - very frightened
adjective - very frightening
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