Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Into the wild
noun - a small fruit, usually round
adjective - brave, not afraid
verb - to reserve (seats, hotel room etc) in advance
adjective - fearless, having courage
verb - to let something be destroyed or eaten by fire
noun - a plant like a small low tree
noun - a fact that influences a particular situation
adjective - performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort
verb - to finish the studies at a high school, college or university
verb - to stand by the road, lift up your thumb and wait for a driver to give you a lift; to travel in this manner
noun - a person who chases and kills an animal, usually for food or sport
verb - to find out all information and facts about a crime
verb - to stay in contact with someone
noun - a living thing similar to a plant that has no leaves or flower, it grows very quickly, some of them can be eaten
noun - a living thing that grows in the earth, usually with green leaves etc., sometimes grown by people in their houses
noun - the state of having eaten something poisonous or dangerous
adjective - able to kill you when you eat or drink it
noun - belongings; something that you own (usually plural)
noun - information about something that has happened, often in a newspaper, TV etc.
noun - a small animal that climbs trees and jumps from branch to branch, it is usually red or brown and eats nuts, it has got a long thick tail
verb - to be very hungry, to have nothing to eat for a long time
noun - how strong something is
verb - to go on living or existing after a dangerous event or a difficult situation, e.g. a disaster, war etc.
adjective - several or many different
adjective - not strong; not having much energy or power
adjective - rich, not poor
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