Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Tobacco, sugar, cotton-page 90–91
verb - to make something forbidden and illegal
noun - a very serious disease in which some cells grow uncontrollably in the body and kill the normal cells, it usually results in death
noun - a person who can't stop taking drugs
noun - a result of something
noun - material made by weaving, knitting etc.
noun - gathering crops, the time when crops are gathered
verb - to smoke one cigarette after the other
verb - to press or crush with your teeth
adjective - giving light, making something clear, giving information that will explain something that you couldn't understand
verb - to breathe in, to draw air into your lungs
noun - the breathing organs in your body
noun - very expensive and comfortable things that people do not really need but can enjoy them
noun - a tube for carrying a liquid or gas etc.
noun - a large farm where crops like tobbaco, cotton, coffee etc. are grown
verb - to process something in a way that makes it useful (e.g. raw materials etc.)
noun - usually a very small object produced by a plant, out of which a new plant will grow
noun - a thread produced by a kind of caterpillar or the material made from this thread
noun - a servant who has no freedom and is owned by his/her master
noun - the substance in the ground in which plants grow
verb - to add sugar into something
noun - a plant that people like to smoke in cigarettes, cigars, pipes etc.
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