Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - the side of the river, lake etc.
noun - the lowest part, the base on which something stands
noun - a deep valley that was made by a river (esp. in areas with little rainfall)
noun - the rocks that form the coast of a sea
noun - the line where the sea or ocean meets the dry land
noun - fine powder with small particles of dirt and sand etc. that usually covers things in your home if you don't clean very often
noun - a large area of open land used especially for farming
verb - to cover or fill with water
noun - the surface of the earth
noun - the side of a hill
noun - a large expanse of scenery or countryside
noun - a mass of earth and rocks moving down a slope
noun - wet earth
adjective - not wide
noun - a place where trees with fruit are grown
noun - the top, especially of a mountain
adjective - not deep
noun - the line of land along the sea or lake
noun - a surface that is going up or down at an angle, the side of a mountain
noun - the substance in the ground in which plants grow
adjective - rising or falling quickly (e.g. a slope)
adjective - not curled or bent or curved
noun - a narrow natural flow of water, a narrow river
noun - the low place between hills or mountains
verb - to turn round and round, to bend
adjective - full of wind
noun - a small forest, a place with many trees
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