Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
noun - the person who uses a bow to shoot arrows
noun - a large number of soldiers
noun - a long sharp object shot from a bow
verb - to start a fight suddenly and with violence, to be violent towards someone
noun - a fight between enemies
noun - a place where a battle is (or was) fought
adjective - fearless, having courage
verb - to put a dead person's body in the ground
noun - soldiers on horseback
noun - an military officer who controls others and is in charge of military operations
verb - to defeat an army in a war and take control of the country
adjective - protecting oneself from being criticised
verb - to ruin the appearance of sth or sb
verb - to separate into pieces
noun - the side of a military formation
verb - to escape hurriedly
noun - a stone that marks a grave, it usually has something written on it
noun - a person skilled at riding horses
noun - the soldiers who fight on foot
noun - a soldier serving a king or queen, usually with armour and on a horse
adjective - on a horse
noun - a line of soldiers (standing next to each other) in a military formation
verb - to trust somebody or something, to depend on something or somebody
verb - to move back, to withdraw
noun - a piece of information that people tell one another but which may not be true
noun - a piece of metal or wood which a soldier held in one hand for his protection against arrows etc.
noun - a long straight stick with a sharp point at one end which is used as a weapon
noun - a plan or strategy that you use to achieve a particular goal
noun - a thick cloth that is hung on walls and which has pictures and other designs embroidered on it
verb - to warn someone to do what you want or you will harm them
verb - to injure or damage by stepping on roughly
noun - a success in winning in something
verb - to become weaker, to lose strength
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