Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English
adverb - in the middle of
noun - a messenger from God, who watches over people and helps them
verb - to get closer to something, to get near
adjective - of a sharp usually unpleasant taste, e.g. of coffee without sugar
verb - to take air inside your body and let it out (through your nose and mouth into your lungs and out)
verb - to be brave enough to do something
noun - trying hard, using strength
noun - the part of the face that is above the eyes
adjective - easily broken or damaged
adjective - coated with a glaze
noun - great admiration, fame, honor etc. that you get for having achieved something
adjective - connected with heaven, God, angels etc.
noun - unhappiness that you feel when you are alone, with nobody around you
verb - to work in harmony, to get entangled
noun - a low continuous sound
noun - quiet and calm time
adjective - not cooked or processed in another way
noun - the act of setting somebody or something free
verb - to appear, to appear to be
noun - great sadness
adjective - completely clean, free of microorganisms
verb - to put off or stop something temporarily or until a final decision is made
noun - a wonderful and beautiful place, esp. an imaginary one
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