Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
noun - metal covering of the body worn in history by soldiers in order to protect them in a fight
verb - to be a part of something, to have a place somewhere
verb - to say that something is the fault of somebody, that somebody is guilty of something
adjective - fascinating, very interesting, capturing interest
noun - a right to have or own something
adjective - specific, not abstract
noun - someone who has won in a battle
noun - a formal conversation
verb - to say that something is not true
noun - the act of destroying something
noun - a sudden loss of power or strength
noun - the ruler of an empire
noun - a group of countries ruled by one monarch (e.g. a king or a queen)
noun - a long period of time marked by distinctive characteristics
noun - a long period of time which is characteristic of something
noun - an important person
adjective - connected with history, with real people or events
adjective - ill-famed, having a bad reputation
noun - an effect, a result
noun - a person or country who attacks a country and takes control of it by force
noun - a soldier serving a king or queen, usually with armour and on a horse
noun - the person who is in charge of something
adjective - connected with the army
adjective - existing in myths
adjective - average and normal, not different from others
adverb - not completely
verb - to represent something (e.g. in a picture, music etc.)
adjective - belonging to the same family
noun - a person, such as a king, who has the power over a country, people etc. and uses the power
noun - an educated person, esp. in the field of humanities, en educated specialist, an academic
adjective - important, noticeable
noun - an idea that repeatedly appears in a literary work, a motif
noun - the official chair where a king or queen sits
noun - an act of betrayal or deception
conjunction, British English, formal - while (formal)
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