Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
noun - a sexual relationship between two people, especially when one of them is married to somebody else
noun - a person of an uncivilized nation, an uncivilized person
verb - to be responsible for something
verb - to become pregnant
verb - to make somebody king or queen
verb - to win over somebody in a fight
noun - the amount of money that parents must pay to the man who marries their daughter (in some cultures)
noun - a group or set of twelve things or approximately ten things
adjective - the same, of the same number, quality, amount etc.
noun - the legendary cup that was used by Jesus Christ at the last supper
noun - a place in the cemetery where a dead body is buried
noun - the ability to form pictures in your mind, the ability to get new and original ideas
noun - a journey the purpose of which is to search for something
verb - to fight against authority, to oppose authority
noun - an organized (and often armed) opposition against authority (government, king etc.)
verb - to show something that was hidden or secret
noun - a long story about a person and his family
verb - to give a punishment to a criminal
noun - the substance in the ground in which plants grow
adverb - according to what is said or believed
verb - to stop something by force
noun - a weapon with a long metal blade
noun, literary - valley
adjective - injured
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