Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku o Válce růží
noun - an organized group of people doing something together
adjective - able, having a capacity to
noun - a war between people of the same country
noun - the official symbol of a family, country etc, usually displayed on shields etc.
noun - rival, the person who competes against you and who you hope to beat
verb - to be made of more things or parts
noun - a region within a state or a country with its own local administration
adjective - being now, happening now, true now
noun - a person related to someone who lived before them, e.g. a child, grandchild etc.
adjective - causing great harm
adjective - not pleased or happy with something
noun - a group of people who want to take power
verb - to come together, to pick things and put them in one place
noun - a person who gets things from somebody who has died
noun - a dynasty
verb - to continue for a particular length of time
adjective - connected with army, war, armed forces etc.
adjective - fully developed or grown; adult
verb - to speak about something in very few words and without giving much information
noun - a king or queen, a ruler of a country who inherits the right to rule
verb - to end the rule of somebody by force
noun - a length of time
verb - to announce something (esp. in an official way)
verb - to raise doubts about something
noun - a line of soldiers (standing next to each other) in a military formation
noun - something that makes you decide to do something
noun - being king or queen somewhere
adjective - having a right to something; valid (legally)
verb - to have the power over a country, people etc. and use it
noun - a person who supports somebody or something
adjective - only for a short time, not for ever
noun - the official chair where a king or queen sits
noun - the activity of fighting a war; the methods of fighting, esp. using various types of weapons
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