Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
verb - to provide someone with a place to stay or live
noun - a place to stay
noun - information given to people
noun - the suitcases, bags etc. that you carry with you when you travel somewhere
noun - a sightseeing tour, usually on a large ship
noun - the part of an airport where passengers wait before their flight
noun - a book that gives tourists valuable information about the country they are visiting
noun - a plan of a trip, a travel plan
noun - a building or something that can be easily recognized and which can help you to realize where you are
verb - to set on water (a boat etc.), to send into space (shuttle, sattelite etc.)
noun - women's underwear
noun - a public room where people can sit and wait (often in a hotel or airport)
noun, formal - (formal) lunch
noun - a view of the world, an attitude to the world
adjective - full of people, crowded
verb - to arrive at
noun, British English - a round crossing of a few roads
verb - to travel on a boat driven by wind; to travel on water
noun - an activity often done by tourists in which they go from one place to another and they look at buildings, statues, churches etc.
noun - a box-shaped thing in which you put your things when you go on holiday
noun - a journey during which you see several important places, and usually end in the place where you started
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
noun - transportation, the act of moving things (or people) from one place to another
noun - a place, room, position etc. that is available to be used
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