History vocabulary test

Vydáno dne 05.03.2008

Test znalosti slovíček, na která jistě narazíte při čtení článků o historii.

  1. The House of Lancaster and the House of York both wanted to ________ the country.

    1. governor
    2. lord
    3. reign
    4. rule
  2. In the 9th century, Vikings ________ Britain from Scandinavia and brought the Norse language with them.

    1. achieved
    2. arrived
    3. inhabited
    4. invaded
  3. King Richard II died without ________.

    1. a heir
    2. a heretic
    3. an heir
    4. heredity
  4. King Charles I was ________ for treason in 1649.

    1. conquered
    2. crowned
    3. executed
    4. supported
  5. Diana Spencer was a direct ________ of King Charles II.

    1. ancestor
    2. descendant
    3. offspring
    4. posterity
  6. Henry Tudor, a prince from Wales, ________ an army to fight against Richard III.

    1. consisted
    2. dismissed
    3. gathered
    4. rose
  7. The British Army suffered ________ in the American War of Independence and lost the Thirteen Colonies.

    1. default
    2. defeat
    3. defence
    4. victory
  8. Henry VIII died on 28 January 1547 and was ________ by his son.

    1. achieved
    2. passed
    3. substituted
    4. succeeded
  9. A formal peace ________ was signed between France and England in 1475.

    1. ally
    2. contract
    3. convention
    4. treaty
  10. The first permanent English ________ in North America was Jamestown.

    1. colonisation
    2. conquest
    3. location
    4. settlement
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) d, 2) d, 3) c, 4) c, 5) b, 6) c, 7) b, 8) d, 9) d, 10) d

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