Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - somebody who supports and helps you, especially in a war etc.
noun - a forefather, a person in the family who lived a very long time before
verb - to defeat an army in a war and take control of the country
noun - the act of taking control over a country by force
noun - a written legal agreement
verb - to make somebody king or queen
verb - to win over somebody in a fight
noun - protection against an attack etc.
noun - a person related to someone who lived before them, e.g. a child, grandchild etc.
verb - to end a meeting etc.
verb - to kill somebody as a legal punishment
verb - to come together, to pick things and put them in one place
noun - a person who is in charge of a region or a state
noun - a person who gets things from somebody who has died
noun - the process in which genetic characteristics are transmitted from the parents to the children
noun - a person whose opinions and beliefs contradict a particular religion
verb - to enter a territory or country by force
noun - someone's child or children
noun - the time when there is no war or fighting
noun, formal - the future generations
verb - to be king or queen somewhere
verb - to have the power over a country, people etc. and use it
noun - a place (e.g. a village) built in a place where nobody or not many people lived before
verb - to put something in place of something else
verb - to take a post or position after somebody else
verb - to go through pain or difficulty
verb - to hold something from below so that it doesn't fall or collapse, to be able to hold the weight of something
noun - a crime of harming one's own country
noun - an agreement between countries that is signed by their leaders
noun - a success in winning in something
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