Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z lekce na Help for English
noun - the part of the day between lunch and dinner
noun - the part of the day before you go to bed, it starts at about 6 pm
noun - the fifth day of the week, the last working day
noun - the first day of the week
noun - the part of the day after you get up and/or before lunch
noun - the part of the day when people usually sleep
noun - the sixth day of the week, the beginning of the weekend
noun - the last day of the week, the day when people usually do not work
noun - the fourth day of the week
noun - the second day of the week
noun - the third day of the week
noun - seven days; a period of seven days, usually Monday through Sunday
noun - one of the days of the week when people usually go to work; any day except Saturday or Sunday
noun - the two days (Saturday and Sunday) when people usually don't go to work
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