Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovní zásoba z článku na Help for English
noun - a person who gives advice
noun - (archaic) a poet who recites or sings epic poems
noun - the moment when you are born
noun - the act of becoming pregnant, the very beginning of pregnancy when the ovum is fertilized
verb - to win over somebody in a fight
noun - a very evil ghost or spirit
noun - a Celtic priest
verb - to include someone or something in an activity, to make use of something or somebody in an activity
noun - a person who performs magic
noun - a small area of still water
verb - to say what will happen in the future
noun - a person sent by a god to deliver a message to people
noun - something that makes you decide to do something
noun - learning or studying about something in order to discover new information or develop new things
adjective - hard, holding its shape by itself, not liquid or gas
noun - a person who can do magic (esp. black magic)
noun - the flat top or outside part of something, e.g. of a table etc; the flat top of a body of water
noun - a weapon with a long metal blade
noun - a teacher who teaches one student (or a small group), esp. in the student's home
preposition - under, below
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