Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - a bruise caused by somebody punching you in the eye
noun - a bluish mark on the skin in the place where it has been hit or hurt
noun - a very serious disease in which some cells grow uncontrollably in the body and kill the normal cells, it usually results in death
noun - the victim of an accident etc.
verb - to make somebody healthy
noun - a serious illness
noun - a situation that was not expected but has to be dealt with immediately
noun - an illness, you have a temperature, cough, sore throat, headache and your arms and legs hurt
noun - a disease caused by bad bacteria or a virus
noun - a harm that is done to somebody, esp. in an accident
noun - a substance or pill etc, that is used when people are ill to make them better
noun, American English - a doctor that specializes in general medicine
noun - a scientist specializing in physics
noun - a kind of document written by a doctor for a chemist, which allows you to use some kind of medicine
verb - to get over an illness, to get well after an injury
noun - the process of getting over an illness or getting well after an injury
adjective - (about a person) very thin
noun - a painful infected spot on the skin
verb - to go through pain or difficulty
noun - a medical operation on the body involving cutting open the skin etc.
adjective - thicker or bigger than usual, esp. because of an injury etc.
verb - to try to cure a disease or illness
adjective - (esp. of an ankle) injured by pulling and turning
verb - to disappear or become weaker
noun - an injury, a place where somebody was hurt
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