Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka spojená s Velikonocemi
noun - a container made from thin sticks
noun - a kind of a hat, especially a woman's hat
noun - a very small loaf of bread or a kind of bread roll
noun - a child's word for a rabbit
noun - two lines or long pieces of something that go across each other, the shape ' X '
noun - traditions, a way of behaving that a group of people have had for a long time
verb - to make something prettier and more beautiful by adding things to it, painting it etc.
noun - the Christian holiday that celebrates the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ
noun - an oval white thing that comes from hens, people eat it boiled or fried etc.
verb - to choose not to eat food for some time (esp. for religious or medical reasons)
noun - the act of searching for something
noun - sweet brown food made from cocoa
noun - an event in which people march through the streets with musicians, dancers, etc, it is a part of some celebrations
noun - a narrow piece of coloured material that is used for decoration, e.g. wrapping up presents etc.
verb - to turn over and over
noun - the season of the year after winter
noun - a custom, belief etc. that a group of people have had for a long time
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