Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English
verb - to make holy, to ask God to favour something
noun - a small rectangular piece of hard paper
verb - to hold onto something tightly
verb - not to know something that you knew before
noun - a long line of metal rings connected to each other
verb - to take care of something or somebody, to provide something or somebody with everything they need
verb - to stop holding something
noun - people standing in a line, usually waiting something
verb - to have in mind
noun - quiet and calm time
verb - to break or crush something so that it becomes dust, to make something into a powder
adjective - feeling nervous, impatient or bored, which makes you unable to relax
verb - to get up, to get upright
noun - the edge of a road
adjective - afraid of something, feeling fear
noun - the place where something happened
noun - one of the five physical powers ( sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)
noun - one of the two metal pieces connected with a chain that are used to tie a prisoner's wrists or ankles
verb - to go down under water, to go down to the bottom
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
verb - to make or become stronger
noun - something that binds something or two things together
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