Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z lekce kurzu Angličtina pro začátečníky
verb - to clean with a brush
noun - a place where you can go to drink and dance and have fun at night
verb - to arrive at a place
verb - to put on clothes
verb - to arrive home
verb - to wake up and leave the bed in the morning
verb - to walk for pleasure
verb - to go to the place where you live
verb - not to stay at home
verb - to end the day by lying down in the bed and sleep
verb - to leave home and go to the place where you earn money
verb - to wash your body with a shower
verb - to have a morning meal
verb - to have a big meal in the evening
verb - to have a meal at midday
verb - to go away from somewhere or somebody
verb - to rest by doing something enjoyable; to stop worrying
verb - to begin doing something
noun - they are white and they are in your mouth, you use them to chew food
verb - to stop sleeping and open your eyes
verb - to take the dog for a walk
verb - to spend some time looking at a programme or programmes on TV
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