Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku o zkracování slov
noun - information in the newspapers or Tv etc. that tries to persuade people to buy a product, use a service etc.
noun, informal - an electronic instrument used to increase the sound in a radio, hi-fi, TV etc
noun - a piece of women's underwear covering the breasts
noun, informal - an informal version of the word 'brother'
noun, American English, informal - a mobile phone
noun, informal - a prisoner, a person found guilty of a crime
noun, American English, informal - a building with apartments owned by the people who live in them (short for condominium)
noun - a short word for 'demonstration'
noun - a test that evaluates someone's skill or knowledge
noun - a message or document sent by a special machine via telephone lines
noun - an illness, you have a temperature, cough, sore throat, headache and your arms and legs hurt
noun - a piece of electrical equipment where you store food in order to keep it cold and fresh
noun, American English - the kind of fuel that is used in motor cars
noun, informal - a gigabyte
noun - a hall where you go in order to take exercise
noun - the school subject in which you learn how to cook and manage a household
noun, informal - an informal version of the word 'champion'
noun, informal - a piece of equipment that enables a person to jump from a plane and fall slowly and safely to the ground
noun - a unit measuring weight (1,000 g)
noun, informal - a room where experiments are done (short)
noun, American English - the study of numbers
noun - a university where you study to become a doctor
noun, informal - megabyte
noun, informal - an informal word for a microphone
noun, American English, informal - an informal word for a prison
noun - a device or a system that enables people to talk to each other across large distances, you need a number to call somebody using this system
noun - a photograph, a picture taken by a camera
noun - a means of transport that flies through the air and carries many passengers, it has two wings
noun, informal - short for 'professional'
noun, informal - a crazy person
noun - a place where you can have a drink
noun, informal - entertainment industry
noun - short for 'submarine'
noun - a person who fought in a war as a soldier and survived
noun - a doctor who treats animals
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