Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku o Jindřichu VIII
verb - to declare that something is not valid, to cancel the validity of something
verb - to produce (fruit), to give birth to
noun - the process during which a baby comes out of the body of the mother
noun - military operations aimed at achieving a particular goal in a particular area
noun - nice words etc. that cheer you up when you are sad or depressed etc.
verb - to make somebody king or queen
adjective - relying on something or somebody, needing somebody's support
verb - to end (esp. something official)
noun - the act of drawing somebody's attention away
adjective - sudden and surprising; exciting
verb - to kill somebody as a legal punishment
noun - a person who gets things from somebody who has died
noun - the activity of chasing and killing wild animals, usually for food or sport
noun - a natural loss of an unborn baby
noun - a woman who a man has regular sex with (but who is not married to him)
noun - a place where monks live
noun - an act of allowing somebody to do something
noun - the head of the Catholic church
noun - a change for the better, an improvement
verb - to stay or be left behind
verb - to put something in place of something else
adjective - having a right to something; valid (legally)
verb - to be in control of something
adjective - shocking
adjective - born dead
verb - to take a post or position after somebody else
noun - the official chair where a king or queen sits
noun - a person who is not loyal to his country, his friends etc.
noun - a crime of harming one's own country
noun - a woman whose husband has died
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