Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English
noun - the strong covering of a tree trunk
verb - to give food to
adjective - having no empty space, having as much as possible
verb - to get bigger, larger or older
noun - a person who is visiting somebody or visiting a place
verb - to be very happy or amused and show it with an expression on your face and with sounds
noun - a flat green part of a plant, flower or a tree
noun - the words spoken to a god, the act of speaking to a god
verb - to act like something is true but it is not, to act in a deceptive way
noun - daydreaming
adjective - not speaking, not making any sounds; free from any kind of sound
verb - to move back and forth or from side to side while hanging from something
noun - a story, usually not true
adjective - wanting to do something; doing something gladly, without complaining
noun - one of the two parts that birds use for flying, one of similar part on an aircraft that enables it to fly
noun - a small forest, a place with many trees
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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