Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - the side of the river, lake etc.
noun - the line where the sea or ocean meets the dry land
adjective - going far down or far in
noun - a dry piece of land usually covered with sand and no or almost no vegetation or life
verb - to move smoothly, used especially about water, time etc.
noun - a large area of land covered with trees
noun - a very strong wind
adjective - not steep
verb - to go on a journey on foot
adjective - not wide
noun - a view of the world, an attitude to the world
noun - a small area of still water
noun - a thick tropical forest where it rains a lot
noun - the material consisting of very small grains that is found on beaches, deserts etc.
adjective - not deep
noun - the line of land along the sea or lake
noun - a surface that is going up or down at an angle, the side of a mountain
adjective - (of mountains) having the top covered by snow
noun - the substance in the ground in which plants grow
adjective - very impressive, exciting to see or watch
noun - a narrow natural flow of water, a narrow river
noun - the time when the sun disappears from the sky in the evening
noun - an observation made by asking a lot of people the same question or questions
noun - the wood used as a building material
noun - a narrow road or path for walking
noun - the things or area that you can see from a particular place, e.g. from a window or a lookout point
adjective - turning round and round, bending
noun - a small forest, a place with many trees
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