Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - a right to have or own something
noun - someone who has won in a battle
noun - the act of taking control over a country by force
verb - to announce something publicly
verb - to win over somebody in a fight
verb - to build a building, a wall etc.
verb - to set up, to start the building of
verb - to bring in a new thing
verb - to enter a territory or country by force
noun - a person or country who attacks a country and takes control of it by force
noun - a country ruled by a king or queen, a monarchy
noun - the act of killing of a lot of people
noun - a place where monks live
noun - a nation
noun - a journey the purpose of which is to search for something
noun - being king or queen somewhere
noun - an organized (and often armed) opposition against authority (government, king etc.)
noun - a person, such as a king, who has the power over a country, people etc. and uses the power
noun - a person who comes to live to a place where nobody or not many people lived before
verb - to take a post or position after somebody else
verb - to stop something by force
noun - soldiers
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