Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
verb - to vomit; to let food come out of your stomach through your mouth, esp. when you feel sick
verb - to take air inside your body and let it out (through your nose and mouth into your lungs and out)
noun - the victim of an accident etc.
verb - do become ill, to catch a disease
noun - a way to make somebody healthy
noun - a chemical used as medicine
verb - to lose consciousness briefly and fall
noun - a very high body temperature that you have when you are very ill
noun - a short attack of an illness
verb - to spread a disease at somebody, to make somebody ill by spreading your disease at them
noun - a harm that is done to somebody, esp. in an accident
verb - to become less fat, to try to become less fat
adjective - (of a woman or a female animal) about to have a baby
noun - a kind of document written by a doctor for a chemist, which allows you to use some kind of medicine
noun - a piece of paper that you get when you buy something, it shows how much you have paid for it
noun - a set of instructions for cooking something
verb - to get over an illness, to get well after an injury
noun - something important that you give up for something that you think is even more important
adjective - very bad or serious; causing a lot of pain or trouble
verb - to let air out of your nose suddenly and with a loud noise, often as a result of an allergy etc.
adjective - painful esp. because of infection or heavy use (e.g. throat, feet etc.)
verb - to straighten your body or a part of your body e.g. as an excercise etc.
noun - a sudden illness of a part of the brain
noun - an illness caused by staying too long in hot sunlight
noun - a medical operation on the body involving cutting open the skin etc.
noun - an instrument that measures temperature
noun - the use of medicine to try to cure a disease or illness
adjective - having a bad and uncomfortable feeling
noun - an injury, a place where somebody was hurt
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