Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - a place to stay
noun - a large piece of luggage carried on the back
noun, British English - the compartment at the back of a car where you can put your baggage
noun - the more expensive and comfortable class in a plane
verb - to decide not to do what has been planned
verb - to leave the station; to leave
verb - to fix something firmly, to joint two parts of something together
noun - the act of flying, a trip by plane or another flying vehicle
noun - a trip from one place to another
noun - a public room where people can sit and wait (often in a hotel or airport)
noun - the suitcases, bags etc. that you carry with you when you travel somewhere
noun - a holiday that has been organized for you
noun - the time of the year when there are most tourist at a place
noun, British English - the system of trains, buses etc. that people can use, esp. in a city
noun - a strap at a seat in a car or plane etc. that helps to prevent serious injury in case of an accident
verb - to start a journey
noun - the transport of goods (by sea, by road etc.)
noun - the time that you spend in a place, esp. as a guest or tourist etc.
noun - a box-shaped thing in which you put your things when you go on holiday
noun - lying in the sun in order that the skin becomes darker in colour
noun - a kind of cream that people put on their skin to prevent sunburns
noun - (of airplanes etc.) the act of leaving the ground and getting into the air
noun - a journey during which you see several important places, and usually end in the place where you started
noun - the cars that are in the streets at a time
noun - a place, room, position etc. that is available to be used
verb - to back out of an activity, commitment etc.
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