Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - a thing that you buy at a lower price than usual
adjective - having lost all the money
noun - the amount of money that has to be paid for something
noun - the money you owe to somebody
adjective - owing, expected to be paid
verb - to get money from working
noun - all the money you earn
noun - the money you spend while doing a job
adjective - costing little money, not expensive
noun - the money you get regularly, e.g. for your work etc.
noun - the money you borrow from a bank
verb - to have to pay some money to somebody
verb - to have, to have something that is yours and nobody else's
verb - to give money for something
noun - an amount of money paid
noun - an amount of money that you get to spend for whatever you like
adjective - not having much money, not wealthy
noun - the money that has to be paid for something, the value
noun - the money you pay for using something which is not yours (e.g. a house, flat, office, boat etc.)
verb - to keep money in order to be able to buy something in the future
verb - to give money to pay for something
noun - how much something is worth
noun - money that you get for what you do at work
noun - the act of taking out money
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