Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
verb - to take or receive sth
verb - to gain a success, to be successful in completing something, usually thanks to hard work
noun - a small thing fastened to the clothes that says something about the person, e.g. what they are, or have done
noun - a kind of outdoor seat for two or more people
noun - a number of things fastened together (e.g. flowers, grapes, keys etc.)
verb - to have the price of
noun - a card issued by a bank that allows you to pay without using cash
adjective - full of people
noun - a large shop (usually with many floors) where you can buy almost anything
noun - the most important side; not the back
noun - an object (wooden or plastic) with a hook that you can use to hang your clothes on in a wardrobe
noun - the money you get regularly, e.g. for your work etc.
noun - people standing in a line, usually waiting something
noun - a small amount of salt, sugar etc., the amount that can be picked up between your thumb and index finger
noun - the money that has to be paid for something, the value
noun - a price of a product that is lower than the usual price
noun - a small piece of card etc. that says how much a product costs
noun - a long platform along the bank of a river etc. (usually built of stone) that boats can be tied to and passengers or goods can get on and off
adjective - having a lot of money and wealth, not poor
noun - an event when a shop is selling its goods at lower prices
noun - a range of things that you can choose from
verb - to give something to somebody for money
noun - a large building with many shops inside
noun - your name that you have written on a document etc. to show that you have written it or agree with it
verb - to put things on top of one another, e.g on shelves in a shop etc.
noun - a secret store of something (e.g. drugs, money, etc.)
noun - the goods that are stored in a shop ready to be sold
noun - a large shop
verb - to put a piece of clothing on to check whether it is the right size
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