Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Podstatná uména z článku o místních předložkách na HFE
noun - a thing which you use to carry things in, it can be made of paper or thin plastic, or of strong leather or cloth
noun - a road vehicle with four wheels that can only carry about five people
noun - a kind of table which you use for work, studying, etc.
noun - the flat ground in your flat or house that you walk on
noun - an area near a house where people grow flowers or vegetables, and where they often relax
noun - a building in which people live, usually one family
noun - a piece of furniture with four legs, that you usually sit on when you are at the table
noun - a place in the house with four walls, a door etc.
noun - a wooden board fastened to the wall, you can put books, decorative objects, etc. on it
noun - a road in a town with houses and buildings on both sides
noun - a piece of furniture on which you put your food when you are eating etc., it has four legs
noun - a very tall plant with a hard trunk and branches and green leaves or needles, people get wood from it
noun - the side of a room or house, it can be made of bricks or wood etc.
noun - a flat piece of glass in a wooden or plastic frame in a wall, it usually opens, and you can look through it
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