Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun, British English - a container where you put rubbish
noun - a piece of furniture with shelves, you put books in it
noun - a person whose job is to keep records of business transactions, an accountant
noun - a shelf where you keep books
noun - the upper part of the room, the light usually hangs on it
noun - a small room located under the house, where people usually store unnecessary things
noun - a piece of furniture with a door that you can put things in, usually cups and plates etc.
noun - a piece of electrical equipment which you use for washing the dishes
verb - to separate into pieces
noun - a part of a piece of furniture (e.g. a desk) that can be pulled out and things can be put in
verb - to visit someone for a short time without letting them know about it in advance
noun - a wooden or metal or wire barrier that runs around a garden etc. to prevent people or animals from getting in or out
adjective - very dirty
verb - to become a part of a group
noun - a building or a room where you can read a book or borrow it
noun - a soft thing that you put under your head when you sleep
noun - a small flat bag inside your clothes where you can put your wallet etc, or your hands when it is cold
verb - to let somebody stay overnight, to give someone a bed for the night
noun - the top of a building that protects it from rain and wind and snow
verb - to have something in common, to use one thing together with somebody else
noun - a piece of paper that is used for writing or drawing etc.
noun - a wooden board fastened to the wall, you can put books, decorative objects, etc. on it
noun - a large container in your kitchen, it has got water taps and is used for washing things in, e.g. the dishes
noun - a thing fastened to the wall where you can plug in electrical appliances
noun - a flat piece of metal, wood, plastic etc. used for carrying things, e.g. plates, drinks etc.
noun - a bowl fixed to the bathroom wall, you use it when you wash your hands etc.
noun - things that are no longer needed and which you usually throw away, e.g. bits of food, old paper, tins etc.
noun, British English - the front window of a car
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