Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English
verb - (of a plant) to produce flowers, to open flowers
noun - the first light of day
noun - a place on the body that has been hurt by a fire
noun - a wild yellow flower
noun - an insect that lives near water, it has a long body and two pairs of long bright wings
verb, literary - to pass quickly (e.g. of time), to travel rapidly; to disappear
noun - a thing that sends water high in the air, usually in parks for decoration
noun - the surface of the earth
noun - a person who has an erotic relationship with somebody
noun - a small piece of material that you put on the floor to wipe your feet etc.
noun - a substance that can be easily stretched, it is used for making tyres, water-proof boots etc.
verb - to show a happy expression on your face
noun - the season of the year after winter
noun - the hottest season of the year
noun - the act of speaking very quietly, without using the vocal chords at all
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