Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
noun, American English - the rooms that you use to live in, usually in a large building where many people live
noun, American English - a large building with many apartments
noun - a platform built on the upstairs outer wall of a house with a rail around it, you can get there from an upstairs room
noun, British English - a large building with many flats
noun - a stucture with walls and a roof
noun - a machine that can take you from one floor of a building to another
determiner - coming before all others in time or order
noun, British English - the rooms that you use to live in, usually in a large building where many people live
noun - a storey, a level of a building
adjective - behaving like a friend, kind, open
noun - the floor that is on the same level as the ground
noun, British English - a machine that can take you from one floor of a building to another
noun, American English - the people who live next door to you
noun, British English - the people who live next door to you
adjective - making loud unpleasant sounds
determiner - coming next after the first in position, rank, or time
noun - steps that people can use to climb from one floor to another
determiner - coming next after the second in position, rank, or time
noun, American English - a piece of ground next to a house, there's usually a wall or a fence around it
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