Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English
noun - a messenger from God, who watches over people and helps them
verb - to come be
adjective - not wet or humid, having no water or humidity
verb - to lose strength, energy, colour, volume etc. slowly
verb - not to know something that you knew before
noun - a place where the devil lives or where bad people are believed to go after they die
adjective - lonely, unhappy because of being alone
adjective - not able to find the way or solution
noun - wet earth
noun - a large area of flat land
verb - to move something towards you; to draw something along behind you
verb - to get up, to get upright
noun - a nice-smelling flower with thorns (usually red or white)
verb - to look for
noun - a dark shape that is made by an object or person etc. when it blocks out light
noun - a place where you can hide or hide something when there is a danger, or in case of rain etc.
noun - a person who is in the army
adjective - fastened very firmly so it is difficult to move; not loose
noun - one of the two parts that birds use for flying, one of similar part on an aircraft that enables it to fly
preposition - in, inside of, between the boundaries
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