Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na Help for English
noun - a piece of furniture with a door that you can put things in, usually cups and plates etc.
noun - a piece of electrical equipment which you use for washing the dishes
noun - a part of a piece of furniture (e.g. a desk) that can be pulled out and things can be put in
noun - a beautiful and colourful plant, women like to get this plant from men
noun - a piece of electrical equipment where you store food in order to keep it cold and fresh
noun - a piece of furniture with four legs, that you usually sit on when you are at the table
noun - an kind of oven in which you can cook things very quickly
noun - a living thing that grows in the earth, usually with green leaves etc., sometimes grown by people in their houses
noun - a large container in your kitchen, it has got water taps and is used for washing things in, e.g. the dishes
noun - a piece of furniture on which you put your food when you are eating etc., it has four legs
noun, American English - a container where you put rubbish
noun - a flat piece of glass in a wooden or plastic frame in a wall, it usually opens, and you can look through it
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