Vydáno dne 21.07.2008
Test slovíček spojených s jazykem, gramatikou apod.
There was a funny ________ in the Christmas card: “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our costumers.”
Most English ________ of manner have the ending -LY.
If we don't know who the agent of an action is, it is usually better to use the passive ________.
In formal written English you should not use ________ (e.g. I'm, he's, isn't, don't, we'll etc.)
In Spanish and French each noun is either masculine or feminine. English, on the other hand, does not assign ________ to inanimate objects.
The present perfect is one of the most difficult ________ for many foreign students of English.
We don't normally use the ________ article before abstract nouns.
Transitive verbs are always followed by one or two ________.
There is a full stop or an exclamation ________ at the end of an imperative sentence.
There are two ________ in the word ‘pig’.