Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English
preposition - in the direction of the length of
determiner - one more
noun - a white or grey thing that floats in the sky
adverb - distant; not nearby
noun - a place where the devil lives or where bad people are believed to go after they die
noun - something that is different from what it was before
verb - to run after something or somebody
adverb - in the place of
verb - to go away from somewhere or somebody
adjective - not able to find the way or solution
noun - thoughts and feelings etc, the part of the brain that does the thinking etc.
noun - the drops of water that fall from the sky
noun - how fast something is
noun - the yellow star that shines in the sky and gives us heat and light
conjunction - during the time that
noun - everything around us, the planet where we live
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