Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z testu na Help for English
noun - the unit of temperature used in Europe
adjective - free of unnecessary things, free of things causing problems
adjective - quite cold, usually in a pleasant way; not hot or warm
noun - a unit that we use to measure e.g. temperature or an angle
adjective - not wet or humid, having no water or humidity
verb - to say what you think will happen
noun - sexual stimulation before sexual intercouse
noun - a mark that you get at school for a test or exam
adjective - (of the air or climate) containing water
adjective - extremely strong or sharp
noun - the flash of light you can see in the sky when there is a storm
noun - an elevated place with a good view of the surroundings
adjective - (of a climate) not very cold and not very hot
noun - the expectation about the future
adjective - very cloudy weather in which you cannot see any clear sky
noun - a general summary of something
noun - a small area surrounded by something else
noun - an observation made by asking a lot of people the same question or questions
adjective - (of meat etc.) soft and easy to cut, opposite of 'tough'
adjective - worried, nervous, causing nervousness
noun - the loud noise you can hear during a storm
noun - lightning accompanied by thunder
adjective - not cold; making you feel not cold
adjective - covered or soaked in water
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