Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z písně na Help for English
verb - to trust somebody or think that something is true
noun - the state of losing respect of other people, something that makes people stop respecting you
verb - to pretend
verb - to fall in love with someone
verb - to produce a shape, to take shape, to create or make
verb - to stop doing something, usually a habit etc.
noun - the ability to move in a relaxed and smooth way
verb - to give something to somebody with your hand
adjective - belonging to or related to a god
noun - a civillian who is taken prisoner by a criminal who threatens to kill him/her if the government etc. does not do what he wants
noun - an event that looks nice and pleasant but is actually only pretence
noun - a person who deceives people into believing he's something he's not
noun - separation from others, loneliness
noun - the idea or sense of something
adjective - not wide
noun - tidiness, cleanness and neatness
adjective - that may happen, be, or exist
noun - something that makes you decide to do something
noun - making something active or prominent again
adjective - thinking only about himself/herself, not about other people or their needs
verb - to move quickly from side to side or up and down
noun - the part of a person which is not physical, the spiritual part of a person
adjective - not usual, difficult to understand
noun - a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes when you are very sad and cry
noun - a view of the future
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