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Vydáno dne 19.09.2008

Do jaké míry zvládáte anglický pravopis?

10. In an interview, be prepared to be asked about your streng__(1) s and weaknesses.

8. The book was wonderfu__(2) .

9. His essay was tr__(3) ly exceptional.

7. She d__(4) d her hair red.

5. Stop sta__(5) ing at my breasts!

6. Don't forget to buy some tomato__(6) .

3. My favorite R.E.M. song is ‚L__(7) sing My Religion‘.

4. We haven't rec__(8) ved your reply.

1. Mitch, I need your advi__(9) e.

2. He crossed the Sahara De__(10) ert on foot.


Správné odpovědi: 1) th ; 2) l ; 3) u ; 4) ye ; 5) r ; 6) es ; 7) o ; 8) ei ; 9) c ; 10) s
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