Miscellaneous Upper-Intermediate Test 1

Vydáno dne 28.10.2008

Obecný test pro pokročilejší angličtináře.

  1. Men don't usually like ________ women. It's as if their intelligence intimidated them or something.

    1. brainy
    2. cleverly
    3. mindful
    4. sensuous
  2. If you ________ so stubborn, you'd find it easier to make friends.

    1. didn't
    2. wasn't
    3. weren't
    4. wouldn't
  3. ________ his demanding job he's a caring and devoted father.

    1. Although
    2. Despite
    3. In spite
    4. Opposite
  4. I'm having second thoughts about marrying Tom. I think I'll ________ while I still can.

    1. break it down
    2. break it off
    3. break it out
    4. break it up
  5. The flight was canceled due to bad weather ________.

    1. conditions
    2. environs
    3. surroundings
    4. terms
  6. The new sports stadium ________ yesterday by the mayor.

    1. got open
    2. got opened
    3. opened
    4. was opened
  7. I will love you no matter ________.

    1. where you go
    2. where you'll go
    3. wherever will you go
    4. wherever you go
  8. I was supposed to send them my application yesterday but it completely ________ my mind.

    1. blew
    2. lost
    3. skipped
    4. slipped
  9. ________ it later if you drop out of school now.

    1. You will be regretting
    2. You'll regret
    3. You're going to regret
    4. You're regretting
  10. ________ your time. There's no hurry. The train leaves in half an hour.

    1. Leave
    2. Make
    3. Spare
    4. Take
  11. I ________ my keys so I had to get in through the window.

    1. can't have found
    2. couldn't find
    3. couldn't have found
    4. didn't able to find
  12. Too much stress can ________ in a nervous breakdown.

    1. cause
    2. effect
    3. lead
    4. result
  13. I started losing hair when I was twenty. I was depressed at first but then I tried ________ some special vitamin pills and they worked!

    1. take
    2. taking
    3. the taking of
    4. to take
  14. Reading that discussion on the Internet made my blood ________! The comments there were so annoying.

    1. boil
    2. drain
    3. flow
    4. thick
  15. My hard disk crashed and I was only able to ________ a very small amount of data from it.

    1. recall
    2. receive
    3. remove
    4. retrieve
Tento test je součástí naší výukové aplikace englishme!, která nabízí tisíce podobných testových otázek, ale také spoustu jiných aktivit na zlepšení vaší angličtiny.
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) c, 3) b, 4) b, 5) a, 6) d, 7) a, 8) d, 9) b, 10) d, 11) b, 12) d, 13) b, 14) a, 15) d
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