Vydáno dne 23.10.2008
Tests slovní zásoby zaměřený na slovíčka a vazby týkající se rodiny, vztahů, přátel apod.
He's an old ________ of mine. We met at a conference in 1995 and we still keep in touch.
My sister and I, we were ________ in a rather religious family.
I don't know why she married ________. For money, probably.
I don't see how these two people can be friends. They have nothing ________.
My brother's wife, my ________, is very friendly and we get on well.
He's a very shy person and he finds it difficult to ________ friends.
We met, we ________ love and got married. It all happened so fast.
The wedding was fabulous and the ________ was so pretty in the long white dress!
My husband keeps forgetting our wedding ________!
I ________ my childhood in Germany but then we moved to the USA.