Vydáno dne 24.11.2008
Test, ve kterém si procvičíte znalost anglických přípon, konkrétně
tvoření přídavných jmen z podstatných jmen.
Utvořte přídavná jména z podstatných jmen v závorce, aby věty byly úplné:
1) The police investigator died under ___________________________(1) (mystery) circumstances.
2) The neighbours upstairs are really ___________________________(2) (noise).
3) Banner ads are highly ___________________________(3) (effect) in the promotion of websites, products and services.
4) It was ___________________________(4) (fool) of her to hope that her love would be returned.
5) Could someone ___________________________(5) (knowledge) in computers help me with my laptop?
6) Our ___________________________(6) (wood) toys are made of pine wood.
7) Her husband has been physically ___________________________(7) (violence) towards her for a long time.
8) This is a ___________________________(8) (coward) act that deserves condemnation.
9) The attack could have had serious consequences had it not been for the agent's ___________________________(9) (hero) efforts.
10) What is the most ___________________________(10) (economy) way of travelling around London?
Správné odpovědi: 1) mysterious ; 2) noisy ; 3) effective ; 4) foolish ; 5) knowledgeable ; 6) wooden ; 7) violent ; 8) cowardly ; 9) heroic ; 10) economical