Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovní zásoba z článku na HFE
noun - something that someone tells you in order to help you and show you what you should do
noun - an alcoholic drink which is made from barley, it is light or dark brown and has a lot of foam on top
noun - a kind of flat thin dry cakes
noun - a kind of food baked from flour and water, you can make sandwiches and toasts from it
noun - a kind of yellow milk product which you can spread on a slice of bread etc.
noun - a sweet baked food made of flour, eggs and sugar etc.
noun - a hot black drink, sometimes drank with milk and/or sugar
noun - (trademark) a cold dark non-alcoholic drink
noun - a part of a plant or a tree that we eat, e.g. apple, banana, orange etc.
noun - boiled or smoked pork meat that is usually cut into thin slices
noun - a kind of milk product, usually white or yellow, people eat it with bread, on pizza, with pasta etc.
noun - sweet brown food made from cocoa
noun - Small pieces of chocolate, usually in a nice box. People give them as a gift
noun - the liquid that comes from fruit or vegetables or a drink made from such liquids
noun - the white drink or liquid that comes from cows
noun - very small fish that are often eaten out of tins
noun - a thing made from oils and fats which people use to wash their body, it usually smells nice and can be of any colour
noun - a kind of hot drink made from dry leaves of some plants, people in Britain often drink it with milk
noun - the common colourless liquid that comes down from the sky as rain, or is in rivers and seas etc.
noun - an alcoholic drink made from grapes
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