Vydáno dne 03.10.2005
Slovíčka z článku na HFE
noun - a block of solid material, e.g. chocolate or soap
noun - a glass or plastic container for liquids, it has a narrow opening on the top
noun - a container that is made of cardboard, plastic, wood etc., it is usually rectangular
noun - a tin, usually one where drinks are stored (e.g. coke or beer)
noun - a paper or plastic container for drinks or liquid, it is shaped like a box
noun - a small dish, we usually drink tea or coffee out of it
noun - a material that is used for making bottles, window panes etc.
noun - a large oval piece of something, esp. bread
noun - a kind of small box or other container
noun - a part of something, a single thing
noun - a very thin piece of bread, ham, cheese etc.
noun, British English - a metal container in which some food can be bought (e.g. meat, fruit, sardines etc.)
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