Vydáno dne 26.05.2019
Článek o mnoha významech slovíčka DEAL.
Slovíčko deal/'di:l/ má mnoho významů a použití. Může se jednat o podstatné jméno i sloveso.
Patrně nejznámější význam slova deal/'di:l/ je podstatné jméno dohoda, úmluva. Hodit se mohou například tyto kolokace:
a business deal = obchod, obchodní dohoda, transakce
a square deal = solidní (férová) dohoda
a good /
bad deal = dobrý / špatný obchod, dohoda,
make /
do a deal (with sb) = udělat (s někým) dohodu
close a deal (with sb) = uzavřít (s někým) dohodu
The company closed a major deal with a new strategic business partner. *1
Paul got a good deal on the car. *2
I'll make a deal with you. You'll stop your whining and I will buy you the doll. *3
Let me talk to him. I'm sure we can get a better deal. *4
I think I got a square deal on the car. Don't you? *5
They closed the deal after a month of negotiating. *6
It was unbelievably cheap. We got a very good deal from our travel agent. *7
We stayed in the hotel for 5 nights and paid for 3 nights only. Well, I know it wasn't a five-star hotel as they advertised. It only had four stars, but it was still a great deal. *8
Další význam by se dal do češtiny přeložit jako “věda”.
big deal/ˌbɪg'di:l/
= něco závažného
it's no big deal = to není žádná velká věda, o nic nejde
it's not a big deal = to není
velká věda, o nic nejde
make a deal (out) of sth = nadělat s něčím, dělat z něčeho vědu
So we have to pay extra for delivery. It's no big deal. *9
Actually, it is a big deal. They want £100. *10
Oh, come on, Dave. She's just a kid. Kids make up stories all the time. Don't make such a big deal out of it. *11
So he can speak five languages. Big deal! *12
Další význam je formálnější a používá se s nepočitatelnými podstatnými jmény.
a good deal (of sth) = mnoho /
hodně / velké množství (něčeho)
a great deal (of sth) = mnoho /
hodně / velké množství (něčeho)
He spent a good deal of his time in London. *13
They needed a great deal of money to buy the house. *14
He knows a great deal more about the problem than I do. *15
I rely a great deal on you. *16
There is a great deal of useful information that you can find on this site. *17
Usually it takes my mum 20 minutes to get to work, but in bad weather it takes a good deal longer. *18
Jedná se o nepravidelné sloveso:
It's your turn to deal. *19
I was dealt two clubs and one heart. *20
Who's dealing? *21
deal with/'di:l wɪð/
No problem. I can deal with that. *22
How are we going to deal with this problem? *23
You've got no choice. Just deal with it! *24
This department deals with our customers' complaints. *25
The problem has already been dealt with. *26
I'm fine. I'm dealing with it. *27
Deal with the matter urgently. *28
deal with/'di:l wɪð/
The movie deals with stereotypical relationships between men and women. *29
What is the main issue the author deals with in this book? *30
He deals fairly with his employees. *31
I am dealing with another client right now. Please take a seat and I'll be with you shortly. *32
Pozn.: “Jednat” ve smyslu “vyjednávat” není deal, ale negotiate.
Their company only deals with ISO accredited suppliers. *33
Pozn.: dealership = obchodní zastoupení
They deal in larger quantities only. *34
He deals in stolen phones. *35
He is suspected of dealing cocaine. *36
Pozn.: Jelikož deal může znamenat ‘obchodovat’ nebo ‘prodávat drogy’, i podstatné jméno dealer, které je od něj odvozeno, může znamenat ‘obchodník, prodejce’ nebo také ‘distributor drog’: car dealer / drug dealer.