Vydáno dne 23.05.2019
Znáte slůvko MATTER a jeho široké použití?
Se slovíčkem matter/'mætə/ se můžete setkat v mnoha situacích a to převážně jako s podstatným jménem nebo slovesem. Velice často je však součástí vazeb a ustálených spojení.
Většinou jde o počitatelné podstatné jméno (může být tedy a matter nebo matters). Rozebereme si je postupně.
a serious matter = vážná
an urgent matter = neodkladná
a private matter = soukromá
záležitost (věc)
a personal matter =
osobní věc
that's quite another matter =
to je něco docela jiného, to je jiná věc
it's no laughing matter = je to
vážná věc
the end of the matter = konec
debaty, sporu, diskuze
Do you think I could talk to the teacher about a personal matter? *1
I swear I know nothing of the matter. *2
You're not going to the party, young lady, and that's the end of the matter. *3
business matters = obchodní
financial matters
= finanční záležitosti
to make matters
worse = dělat věci ještě horšími
to complicate
matters = zkomplikovat situaci
to take matters into your own
hands = vzít věci do vlastních rukou
rush matters =
ukvapovat se
Jack wasn't interested in financial matters of his father's company. *4
The test was extremely difficult for me, and to make matters worse, my pen stopped writing. *5
You shouldn't've said that to him. This complicates matters even further. *6
Pozn.: Ve významu výše lze často slovíčko matter nahradit slovem thing.
a matter of opinion = věc / otázka názoru
a matter of time = věc / otázka
a matter of life and/or
death = věc / otázka života a (nebo) smrti
a matter of honour = věc /
otázka cti
a matter of taste = věc / otázka
vkusu (chuti)
a matter of principle = věc /
otázka principu
a matter of a few pounds = otázka
několika liber
a matter of minutes =
otázka minut
It's only a matter of time before he realizes what he has done. *7
This meal is really easy. It can be prepared in a matter of minutes. *8
It's a matter of seconds to get used to our new chopper. *9
Of course you can do it. Calm down. It's just a matter of being patient. *10
Come on, we are almost there. It's a matter of a few meters now. *11
Well, it's a matter of opinion, isn't it. *12
Pozn.: V těchto větách lze někdy použít i spojení “a question of”.
as a matter of fact/ˌæzəˌmætərəf'fækt/
I am not angry with you. As a matter of fact, I'm quite glad you said that. *13
I didn't really like it. As a matter of fact, I think it was terrible. *14
Pozn.: Toto spojení lze často nahradit slovíčkem actually *15 , nebo spojením in fact, které mohou mít stejný význam.
Z vazby ‘a matter of fact’ lze vytvořit přídavné jméno nebo příslovce:
‘I got fired today,’ he said in a matter-of-fact tone. *16
‘I don't love you anymore,’ she said matter-of-factly. *17
I don't like the cookies or any other sweets for that matter. *18
I find Czech politics, or any other politics for that matter, extremely boring. *19
David has never been to Germany or Poland, or to any other foreign country for that matter. *20
no matter/ˌnəʊ'mætə/
no matter who you are = je jedno, kdo jsi
no matter what it is = je jedno,
co to je
no matter where they go = je
jedno, kam jdou (ať jdou kamkoli)
no matter what happens = je jedno,
co se stane (ať se stane cokoli)
no matter what we say = je jedno,
co řekneme (ať řekneme cokoli)
no matter what she thinks = je
jedno, co si myslí (ať si myslí cokoli)
No matter how hard I try, I cannot make her come with us. *21
No matter what you say, I am not going. *22
How to stay online, no matter where you go? *23
Spojení “no matter” (kde je matter podstatné jméno) je stejná jako “it doesn't matter” (kde je matter sloveso):
(What is) the matter?
= Co se děje?
What was the
matter? = O co šlo?
Is anything the
matter? = Děje se něco?
What's the matter with
you? = Co je ti? Co se ti stalo?
What's the matter with your finger? It's all swollen. *24
What's the matter with your teeth? Have you been eating chocolate? *25
What's the matter with your sister? *26
Spojení ‘what's the matter’ lze často nahradit spojením ‘what's wrong’:
matter = hmota, látka (nepočitatelné)
organic /
inorganic matter = organické /
anorganické látky
grey matter = šedá hmota
mozková (šedá kůra mozková)
Zatím mělo slovíčko matter význam pouze podstatného jména. Je to však také sloveso, a i když se objevuje většinou ve vazbách, gramatická pravidla práce se slovesy jsou stejná jako kdekoli jinde.
it doesn't matter/ɪt 'dʌznt 'mætə/
It doesn't matter. = To nevadí. /
To je jedno. / Na tom nezáleží.
It won't matter.
= Nebude to vadit.
It didn't matter.
= Nevadilo to.
Does it matter? =
Je to důležité? Záleží na tom? Vadí to?
It matters to me.
= Mně na tom záleží.
What does it matter (if)
… = Co na tom sejde, jestli…
Příklady si můžeme ukázat na malé hádce manželů:
he: We'll be late. *27
she: Big deal! Does it matter? *28
he: Of course it matters! You know I hate it when we are late just because of your stupid make-up. *29
she: I don't think it matters, really. And my make-up's not stupid! *30
he: Well, if it doesn't matter to you, that's too bad. It sure matters to me though. *31
she: It didn't matter last time, did it? *32
he: Oh god. It did, it mattered, ok? But I didn't want to make a scene. I do now! *33
she: OK, calm down. But I'm warning you – I'll look like hell. *34