Thanksgiving Quiz

Vydáno dne 22.11.2012

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Thanksgiving Quiz

Choose the best answer to the following 10 questions:

  1. Thanksgiving is a typical ________ celebration.

    1. American
    2. Australian
    3. English
    4. Irish
  2. Thanksgiving is celebrated at the ________.

    1. beginning of December
    2. beginning of November
    3. end of November
    4. end of October
  3. “The First Thanksgiving” was celebrated in ________.

    1. 1493
    2. 1621
    3. 1777
    4. 1862
  4. “The First Thanksgiving” was actually just a ________ festival.

    1. harvest
    2. lunar
    3. political
    4. religious
  5. The most important feature of Thanksgiving is the Thanksgiving ________.

    1. breakfast
    2. dinner
    3. lunch
    4. tea
  6. Traditional Thanksgiving meal usually includes ________.

    1. beef
    2. deer
    3. pork
    4. turkey
  7. Which of the following is usually not included in a Thanksgiving meal?

    1. cranberry sauce
    2. fish
    3. pumpkin pie
    4. stuffing
  8. People usually ________ on Thanksgiving.

    1. eat very little
    2. get together with their family members
    3. give presents to each other
    4. sing special Thanksgiving songs around the table
  9. ________ is one of the most important traditions associated with Thanksgiving.

    1. Baseball
    2. Basketball
    3. Football
    4. Hockey
  10. Macy's Thanksgiving Day ________ is held every year. The tradition was started in 1924.

    1. Concert
    2. Hunt
    3. Parade
    4. Race
Správné odpovědi: 1) a, 2) c, 3) b, 4) a, 5) b, 6) d, 7) b, 8) b, 9) c, 10) c
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